The Animal Rescue Site

The Animal Rescue Site

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy April Fool Day! XD

Have u being fool by your friends today? :)
If yes, give some laughter and don't be mad! Cos today is April Fool!
If not yet, just go and try to fool your friends! Hahahaha

Actually I being fool since last three day, although that day not yet April Fool day, but the I already received a lot of "Fool" SMS and e-mail.

Today is the most peak day ever for the receiving of the "Fool" SMS and email, even the messenger!

The popular SMS that I received today, is about my friend is transferring RM60.00 to my account! Then you keep on scrolling down the message, there will be Fool message on the bottom that you are being fool!

When I first reading this message, I nearly being fool by my friend. After that, I notice that today is April Fool day so I started query about the SMS. Ah Ha! I am correct about that, is my friend trying to fool me!

I remember I being fool last year, by my ex- room-mate. We haven't met after gradute about 1 year, then she sent me a message said that she is pregnant and will get married on that weekend! I was so shocked and I believed it.Then I called her up, "April Fool" she said when she answering the phone. At that time, I just notice that I being fool and we stared laugh. Not only me is the one who being fool, all other house mates too! XD

Quite fun when we received such email or SMS and forward them to other friends! Not just can fool our friends and can make them laugh and fool their friends too!

Hope you all have some fun today! Wish you all Happy April Fool day!

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